Taos Municipal Schools
Social Emotional Learning Parent and Family Evening
For All District Families
Taos High School
March 6, 2024
Welcome Families & Friends!
You will be rotating in sessions. Depending on the color of your agenda you will report to the designated room number. The bottom of the agenda will direct you to the next session color you will attend. Please stick to your rotation to avoid uneven numbers in sessions.
SEL(Blue) -15 minutes (Room E204)
• Please, No Talking!
Students and guardians will be asked a question and will only write about it. No talking until the activity is over (makes it exciting).
Gear UP (Green)-15 minutes (Room E205)
• What steps do you need to take to be college ready?
Canvas (Red)-15 minutes (Room E206)
• What is Canvas? Are you signed up? Do you need support?
Family Engagement (Orange)-15 minutes (Room E208)
• Engaging with literacy
Community Schools (Pink)-15 minutes (Room E201)
• What resources are available to you and your students?

2024 Educators Rising annual conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico Educators Rising is a New Mexico activities association sanctioned event. Carmela Vargas Gonzales from Taos high school is the Teacher leader/sponsor for the Taos County Chapter. This year for the state competition, we took three students to represent Taos, Melissa Abeyta-Senior from Taos High, BreAnna Taylor-Junior from Taos High, and Erica Christie Junior from Taos Academy. BreAnna Taylor returned to Taos as a national qualifier and will compete in Washington DC this summer.

Congratulations Dr. Mae LaBella and Cafeteria Staff!!!! 2024 Golden Chile Award!

A quick glimpse: Wednesday March 6th SEL, Gear Up, Community Schools, Canvas, and Family Engagement Coordinator will each hold 15-minute activity & informational sessions in separate classrooms for students and parents.
Check-in/Sign-in will occur in the lobby of THS beginning at 5:30pm
Location: E Wing of THS (Math Hallway)
For details, more information or questions please feel free to email me directly.