2024 Culinary Champs

Your reigning state champs, Taos High School! 1st place in Culinary, and 3rd place in management! We will be traveling to the National ProStart Invitational in Baltimore in April!

This team of culinary artists consisting of Meili Brown, Talia Tank, Sarai Romero, Elliot (Vivella) Conlan and Razielle Valencia, have a lot to be proud of. They created their own menu, completely unique and showcases each of their individual talents while simultaneously showing their amazing teamwork. Their execution was flawless, and their skills were applauded by everybody! 

This management team consisting of Ivan Martinez, Gabriella Torrez, Zena (Joseph) Rivera and Jaime Saenz was put together 4 weeks ago, and created a completely unique restaurant concept, complete with floor plans, menus, budgets, marketing and much more. They created this concept in 4 weeks, when this amount of work usually takes 10 months. They competed against 7 strong teams and placed in the top 3. They are awe-inspiring!

Be on the lookout for our many upcoming fundraising efforts to raise money for our trip to nationals. Here we go! #TaosHighProStart #THSCulinary